The Oxford international encyclopedia of peace/

The Oxford international encyclopedia of peace/ edited by Nigel J. Young - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. - 617p.

Volume I: Abraham Path Initiative-Duant, Henri

Accidental Nuclear War
Accords, Implementation of
Action Reconciliation Service for Peace
Addams, Jane
Africa, Peace Movements in
African Peace Traditions
Aggression, Conflict, and War
Multilateral Agreements
Agreements and Sustainability
Aid and Peace
Alliance Systems
Altruistic Approaches to Peace
Amnesty International
Anarchists in Peace Movements
Anarchist Theory and Peace
Ancient World, Peace in
Angell, Nonnan
Animal Behavior and Aggression
Antiballistic Missile Treaty
Anti-Communism and Peace Movements
Anti-Imperialist Ideas and Peace
Antimilitarism in the Nineteenth Century
Antinuclear Power Protests in the United States
Antiwar Strikes, History of
Appeasement and Peace in Foreign Policy
Arbitration of Disputes, History of
Architects for Peace
Armament Culture
Anned Conflict, Preemption of
Arms Control and Disarmament
Economic Consequences
Russian Experience
Verification and Inspection
Arms Races
Arms Trade and Traffic
An Overview
Art against War
Art in Official Institutions
Artists as Peace Activists
War and Antiwar Art
Women's Contributions
Article 9
Asia, Contemporary Peace and Nonviolence
Movements in
Australia, Peace Movements in
Austrian School of Peace Theory

Baha'i Faith
Balance of Power and Peace
Balch, Emily
Balkan Conflicts
Balkans, Peace Movements in
Basic Human Needs
Basque Peace Movement Organizations
Belgium, Preventing Conflict llscalation in
Bentham, Jeremy, and Liberal Internationalism
Bhave, Vinoba
Bias Awareness and Bullying Prevention
Biosophy: The Work of Fredci ick Kettner
Bloch, Jean de
Blood Feuds, Mediation of
Boulding, Kenneth
Bouthoul, Gaston
Brazil, Landless Movement in
Brethren, Church of
Brethren Volunteer Seiwice
Brittain, Vera
Bronfenbrenner's Mirror Image Perception
Buddhist Ethics and Nonviolent Action
Buddhist Peace Movements
Buddhist Peace Organizations
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Bunche, Ralph

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
1990 to Present
Camus, Albert
Canada, Peace Movements in
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie lindowment for International Peace
Carter Center
Catholic Peace Traditions
Ceasefires and Facilitation of Ceasefires
Censorship and Repression of Peace Literature
Center for Research on Conflict Resolution
Central America in the 1980s
Central America, Multilateral Negotiations and Regional
Mediation in
Chavez, Cesar
Chemical and Biological Weapons
An Overview
Movements to Ban Chemical and Biological Weapons
Children in War and Peace
Child Soldiers and Their Rehabilitation
Chile, Peace Movements in
China, Protest Movements in
Christian Ethics and Peace
Christian Peace Testimony
Christmas Truce of 1914
Cities of Peace
Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience to Prevent Mobilization
Civilian Peacekeeping
Civil-Military Relations
Civil Resistance as a Peace Policy
Civil Resistance as a Defense Policy
Civil Rights Movement in the United States
An Overview
Methods of Nonviolent Action
Civil Society, Theory and Practice of
Civil Society and Development
Civil Society and Peacebuilding
Classical World, 2000 H( k to 400 c i-
Climate Change and Its Implications for Conflict
Cold War
Origins (1917-1947)
Conflicts (1947-1987)
Peace Movements (1945-1956)
linding (1987-1991)
Collective Security
Colombia, Peace Movements in
Combatants and Noncombatants in War, Protection of
Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
Committee of 100
Commonweal Collection, The
Communal Wars, Resolution of
Communism and Peace Movements
Communitarian Peace Experiments
Community Peacebuilding Initiatives, Faith-Based
Cominimity Peacebuilding Initiatives, l^)cal NCOs and
Complexity 'llieoiy and Conflict Transformation
Conditions of Peace
Confidence-Building Measures
Distant Early Warnings
Social Theories
Conflict Analysis
Conflict and Peacebuilding
Conflict and War, Distinctions of
Conflict Management within Organizations
Conflict Research, Methods of
Conflict Resolution
An Overview
Methods, Means, and Enforcement
Conflict Resolution, Peace Research, Studies,
and Activism
Conflict Studies versus Peace Studies
Conflict Transformation
Congress of Racial Equality
Conscientious Objection
Legal Rights
Secular Perspectives
Religious Perspectives
Conscientious Objectors in the Armed Forces
Conscription, Movements Opposed to
Constructing Concepts of Peace
Constiuctive Conflicts
Contemporaiy Peace Agreements and Accords
Contentious Politics
Conventional Weapons, Contemporary Constraints and
Limitations on
Conventional Weapons, Limitation on
Correlates of War
Coriymeela Community, Northern Ireland
Cosmo]3olitan 1 )emocracy
Cosmopolitanism as a Peace Theory
Court of justice. International
Courts of Arbitration
Cousins, Norman
Creative Arts and Peace
Criminal Court, International
Crisis Management
Cuban Missile Crisis
Culture of Peace
Culture of Peaceful Social Relations
Culture of Peacekeeping
Curie, Adam

Day, Dorothy
Dayton Accords
Debs, Eugene V.
Decision to War and International Law
Deep Ecology
De-escalation in Conflict, Theory of
De-escalation in International Crises, Methods of
De Ligt, Bartholomeus
Deming, Barbara
Demobilization after War
Democracies and Peacefulness
Democracy and Warmaking
Democratic Peace
Democratization and Peacebuilding
Democratization and Peace within States
Detente and Human Rights
Deutsch, Karl
Development and Peace
Dewey, John, and the Outlawing of War
Dialogue Circles and Groups
Dialogue Process
Diaspora Communities
Diplomacy and the Major Powers
Direct Violence, Psychology of
Enforced Disarmament
General and Complete Disarmament
Dispute Resolution, Alternative Forms of
Dispute Settlement Procedures
Dolci, Danilo
Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand
Draft Evasion and Desertion
Draft Refusal in the United States
Draft Resistance in the Soviet Union
Drama Theory
Dunant, Henri


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