
Bookchin/ A critical apprasial White, Damian F. - London: Plutopress, - 236 p.

Introduction 3
Orientations 5
Bookchin's Critics 6
Plan of the Work • 8
1 Environments, Cities and Post-Scarcity Worlds 12
The Political Life of an American Radical 12
Contemporary Issues 14
Neither Washington nor Moscow 15
The Problem of Chemicals in Food 16
Our Synthetic Environment 17
Emerging Themes in Bookchin's Early Writings 18
Post-Scarcity Politics and Ecology as Revolutionary
Thought 19
Beyond the New Left 24
Mapping the Arc of Bookchin's Work 24
Intellectual Influences 26
2 Hierarchy, Domination, Nature: Bookchin's Historical
Social Theory 31
Marxism and 'Bourgeois Sociology' 32
From Social Classes and the State to Social Hierarchy
and Social Domination 34
The Outlook of Organic Society 36
The Emergence of Hierarchy 37
A 'Legacy of Domination' and a 'Legacy of Freedom' 39
Considering Bookchin's Historical Social Theory 40
Organic Society 1: Vagaries and Inconsistencies 42
Organic Society II: Anthropological Evidence and
Methodological Concerns 45
After Ecological Romanticism 47
Social Hierarchy/Social Domination 48
Social Hierarchy, Social Domination and the Idea of
the Dominating of Nature by Humans 50
Dominant Ideologies and Actual Relations with Nature 52
Time, Space, Social Production and Social Ecologies 55
Domination, Liberation, and the Production,
Reproduction and Enframing of Active Nature(s) 56
Domination/Producing/Appropriating Nature 59
3 Social Ecology as Modem Social Theory 62
The Emergence of Capitalism 62
Mapping the Contours of 'Advanced' Capitalism 64
Developing a Critique of 'Advanced' Capitalism 65
Defining the Environmental Agenda 70
The Critique of Neo-Malthusianism 70
Causality and Problem Definition in Socio-Ecological
Socio-Ecological Critique without Malthus 75
Post-Scarcity Ecology 77
The Virtues of Bookchin's Approach to Socio-Ecological
4 Capitalism and Ecology
The 'Grow or Die' Thesis
Bookchin's Macro Eco-Crisis Theory
Social Ecology, Political Ecology and the Sociology of
Environmental Justice
The Sociology of Ecological Modernisation and its
Climate Change, Green Governmentality and Nature
as an Accumulation Strategy
t Ethics and the Normative Grounds of Critique 101
Ecology and Revolutionary Thought 102
Holism, Spontaneity, Non-Hierarchy 103
Developing Dialectical Naturalism 104
Humanity and the Natural World 107
First Nature, Second Nature and Free Nature 108
'Nature' as the Grounds or Matrix for Ethics 109
Social Ecology, Scientific Ecology and Evolutionary
Theory 110
'Non-Hierarchical' and 'Mutualistic' Nature? 113
Metaphors and Nature 117
The Ecological Ethics of Social Ecology 118
Social Ecology versus Deep Ecology 120
Hybrid Natures and Active Subjects 123
6 Urbanisation, Cities, Utopia 127
'Crisis in Our Cities' 127
Reification and the Unlimited City 129
'The Limits of the City' 130
The Humanist Concept of the City in History 131
The City as a Human[el Community: Envisaging
Ecotopia 134
Bookchin's Critique of the Limitless City 137
Social Ecology and the New Urbanism 138
Suburbs, Ex-Urbs and Social Ecology 143
Eco-Comijiunalism or a Pluralist Eco-Urbanism? 145
Social Ecology and Technology 147
Free Nature: Blending or Maintaining Demarcations? 148
Dissolving or Retrofitting the Modern Metropolis? 150
Utopian Dialogue as 'Public Event' 152
7 Citizens, Politics, Democracy 155
The Po/is and the Political 156
Zoon Politikon, Paideia and Philia 157
The Legacy of Freedom 158
The Rise of the Free Cities, Neighbourhood Communes
and City Confederations 160
The Municipal Route to Modernity 162
Libertarian Municipalism: From Here to There 163
The History/Histor{ies) of Civic Freedom 164
From Dionysus to Philia 169
Polls an<^ Cosmopolis 172
Transparency and Complexity 174
Between the Heroic and the Imminent 176
Conclusion . 181
Re-enchanting Humanity, Disenchanted Bookchin 181-
Breaks, Transitions, Excommunications 184
(Harsh) Judgments 187
New Beginnings, or More Considered Judgments 188
Lessons, Legacies and Traces 193


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