Pioneers of islamic revival: New updated edition with major new introduction/

Pioneers of islamic revival: New updated edition with major new introduction/ Rahnema, Ali - Malaysia: Strategic Information Research Development, 1994. - 279 p.

1 Introduction to First Edition 1
Alt Ritliiiaiiii
Ccri.-iin Attributes ol Isbiiiiu' Kcvivaiist|s 4
2 Sayyid Jamal al-Oin 'aUAfghani* 11
NikL'i li. Kiililii-
Jaiiiiil al-Dins U:oj;r,ip!iy I 13 Sjyyid J.iinal al-Pin's Influence | 24
3 Muhaminad Abduh: Pioneer oflslamic Reform 30
Abduh 5 Milieu| 3 4 Abdiihs Analysis of the Problem| 3 5
Abdiihs Reform Project| 4 3 Qur'anic Exetjesi|s 4( >
Education| 4 ^ Politic|s 5 2 Tiie Role of Women| 5f t
Conclusion| 5 9
4 Khomeini's Search for PerfectiontThcory and Reality 64
Bitijrr Moiii
Inrrodiiction| 6 4 Hackjjnnin|d A5 Education| 6 6 In Search of
the Perfect Man| 6 9 Interest in Politic|s 7 6 Tlie Ruler| 9 0
CA>m lusion I 93
5 Mawdudi and thejama'at-i IslamiiThe Origins,
Theory and Practice of Islamic Revivalism
Scyycil Ihli Rcza .Wmr
Tliv Milking ot'tlu- Revivalist; Mawdudi s Life and Educatio|n 99
MawdudisTfiought and Ideology- 1 I(l4 Jaina'at-i Islai|ni 11 1
J.mia'at's Structure| 1 12 Jama'ats History and Politi|cs 11 3
C!ontiiiuicy and Change in Jama'ats Structure| 1 20
6 Hasan al-Banna (1906-1949)
Diwiil Coimnins
Historical Uackground| 1 25 Hasan al-Banna| 1 2K Hasan
ill-Banna's Tliouglu| 1 33 Hasan al-Banna: Organizer and
Activist I 144 Hasan al-Banna in Historical Perspectiv|e 14 9
7 Sayyid Qutb:The Political Vision
Cluirlcs Tripp
Introduction| 1 54 Life. Career and Writings| 1 55
The Political Vision: from AI-'Adalah al-Ijtima'iyyah fi al-Islani
CO Ma'alim fi al-Tariq| 1 65 Influenc|e 17 5 Conclusion| I KO
8 Musa al-Sadr
Aii^f'tisius Richiirii iWmou
Peripheral Arabs| I KS Historical Roots of Shi'isni| 1 87
The Martyrdom of Imam Husain| I K9 Islamic Populism and
the Slii'i Movements| 1 9] The Renovation ofShi'ism as a
Political Ideology [ 192 Musa al-Sadr| 1 95 Political Style| 1 97
Imam al-Giiaib [ 2ii4
9 Ali Shariati: Teacher, Preacher, Rebel
All liiiliiicniii
Family Background 1 208 Childhood and Adolescenc|e 21 0
Shariaci's Political Heritage| 2 14 .Shariati's University Years| 2 17
Shariati's Pans| 2 IK The Return to Iran j 225 Htjira and
Ueath [242
10 Mubatninad Baqer as-Sadr
chibli mallat


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