International relations/

International relations/ edited by Gyanender Singh. - New Delhi: Alfa, 2008. - 284 p. 23 cm.

1. Introduction to International Relations 1
2. International Relations and Diplomacy 21
3. Security and Disarmament 37
4. Reparation and Economic Depression 44
5. Emergence of United Nations 52
6. Security, Economic and Social Council 62
7. Decision Making and Systems Approach 81
8. Marxist Approach and Relations 111
9. Relations with Communist World 127
10. Indo-Soviet Relations 152
11. Relationship with U.S.A. 172
12. Relationship with China and Russia 207
13. Non-Alignment and Relations 233
14. Phases of Non-Alignment 263


International relations.
World politics.

327 / SIN/I
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