Open source hardware: an introductory approach/

Ray, Partha Pratim

Open source hardware: an introductory approach/ Partha Pratim Ray and Rebika Rai - Germany : Lap Lambert , 2013 . - 181p. : 22cm.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
1.1 An Open Source
1.2 Open Source Software
1.3 Open Source Hardware
1.4 An Open fiiture
1.5 Open Source Vs Closed Source
1.6 Open Source Vs Free Software
History and Its Evolution
Open Source Hardware Development
3.1 OHANDA (Open Hardware and Design
3.2 Future of Open Hardware
3.3 Elements of an Open-Source Hardware
3.4 Open-Source Hardware processes
Business model for Open Source Hardware
4.1 What is IP?
4.2 IP Sharing in Hardware and Software - The
Case for Open Interfaces
4.3 Strategies for Commodity Producers
4.4 Economic Motivations
4.5.The System on chip Dilemma
Open Source Hardware Foundations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Statement
of Principles
5.3 Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definitions
5.4 OSHW Community Survey
Open Source Hardware Licenses
6.1 What is License?
6.2 What is Open Source License?
6.3 When to Use What?
6.4 License Comparison Chart
Case Study
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Open Source Hardware
7.3 Arduino
7.3.1 Arduino Boards
7.3.2 Getting Started with Arduino
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
7.3.3 Benefits using Arduino Boards
7.4 BeagleBoard
7.4.1 Variants of BeagleBoard
7.4.2 Getting started with BeagleBone and
7.4.3 Benefits of using BeagleBoard
Relation Between Open Source Hardware &
Open Source Software
8.1 What is Open Source Software?
8.2 Benefits of Open Source Software
8.3 Use of Open Source Softwares in Open
Source Hardwares
8.4 Repositories of Open Source Hardwares
8.5 Do It Yourself (DIY) Culture
Internet of Things (loT)
9.1 What is Internet of Things?
9.1.1 Internet of Things Consortium (loTC)
9.2 Cloud Computing
9.3 Internet of Things based on Clouds
9.3.1 Xively
9.3.2 ioBridge


Open source

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