In defense of globalization/

Bhagwati, Jagdish

In defense of globalization/ Jagdish Bhagwati - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007. - xiii, 330 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

1. Anti-Globalization: Why? --
2. Globalization: Socially, Not Just Economically, Benign --
3. Globalization Is Good but Not Good Enough --
4. Non-Government Organizations --
5. Poverty: Enhanced or Dimished? --
6. Child Labor: Increased or Reduced? --
7. Women: Harmed or Helped? --
8. Democracy at Bay? --
9. Culture Imperiled or Enriched? --
10. Wages and Labor Standards at Stake? --
11. Environment in Peril? --
12. Corporations: Predatory or Beneficial? --
13. The Perils of Gung-ho International Financial Capitalism --
14. International Flows of Humanity --
15. Appropriate Governance: An Overview --
16. Coping with Downsides --
17. Accelerating the Achievement of Social Agendas --
18. Managing Transitions: Optimal, Not Maximal, Speed --
19. And So, Let Us Begin Anew.


Globalization--Economic aspects
Globalization--Social aspects
Anti-globalization movement

330 / BHA/I
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