Mass communication/

Mass communication/ edited by Denis McQuail. - London: Sage Publications, 2006. - 4 v.; 24 cm.

v. 1. Theories, basic concepts, and varieties of approach -- v. 2. Media systems, economy, governance, and globalisation -- v. 3. Media production and content -- v. 4. Audiences and effects of mass communication.

The Origins of Individual Media-System Dependency - Sandra J Ball-Rokeach
Structural Analysis and Mass Communication - Olivier Burgelin
A Cultural Approach to Communication - James W Carey
Defining Media Events - Daniel Dayan and Elihu Katz
Theories of Communication and Theories of Society - Peter Golding and Grahan Murdock
Ideology and Communication Theory - Stuart Hall
The Propaganda Model - Edward S Herman
A Retrospective
The Television Audience - Denis McQuail, Jay G Blumler and J R Brown
A Revised Perspective
Medium Theory - Joshua Meyrowitz
The Mass Society - C Wright Mills
The Internet as a Mass Medium - Merrill Morris and Christine Ogan
Models of Media Effects - Elizabeth M Perse
Distrust of Representation - John Durham Peters
Habermas on the Public Sphere
Interpersonal Influence in Election Campaigns - John P Robinson
Two-Step Flow Hypotheses
Communication Research - Karl Erik Rosengren
One Paradigm or Four?
Social Theory and the Media - J B Thompson
Mass Media and the Differential Growth in Knowledge - Phillip J Tichenor, George A Donohue and Clarice N Olien
A New Paradigm? - Liesbet Van Zoonen
A Conceptual Model for Mass Communication Research - Bruce Westley and Malcolm S MacLean Jr
Functional Analysis and Mass Communication - Charles R Wright

Beyond Journalism - Jo Bardoel
A Profession between Information Society and Civil Society
Towards a Theory of Press-State Relations in the US - W Lance Bennett
The Third Age of Political Communication - Jay G Blumler and Dennis Kavanagh
Influences and Fears
Towards a New Classification of Tele-Information Services - Jan L Bordewijk and Ben van Kaam
Journalistic Codes of Ethics in Europe - Tiina Laitila
Levels of Analysis in Mass Media Decision-Making - John Dimmick and Philip Coit
The Mythology about Globalization - Majorie Ferguson
Media and Political Systems and the Question of Differentiation - Daniel C Hallin and Paolo Mancini
Fields of Broadcast Regulation - Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem
Reasons for the US Dominance of the International Trade in Television Programs - Colin Hoskins and Rolf Mirus
What Things Regulate - Lawrence Lessig
Foundations and Limits of Freedom of the Press - Judith Lichtenberg
What Kind of Commodity Is News? - John H McManus
A Framework of Principle for Media Assessment - Denis McQuail
The Social Responsibility Theory of the Press - Theodore Peterson
Research into International TV Flows - Preben Sepstrup
The Discourse of Cultural Imperialism - J Tomlinson
Media Policy Paradigm Shifts - Jan J Van Cuilenburg and Denis McQuail

The News Factory - Charles R Bantz, Suzanne McCorkle and Roberta C Baade
The Hollywood TV Producer - Muriel G Cantor
Framing US Coverage of the International News - Robert M Entman
Contrasts in Narratives of the KAL and Iran Air Incidents
The Structure of Foreign News - Johan Galtung and Mari Holmboe Ruge
Explicating Sensationalism in TV News - Maria E Grabe, Shuhua Zhou and Brooke Barnett
Content and the Bells and Whistles of Form
Press and Television as Opinion Resources in Presidential Campaigns - Doris A Graber
Reading Realism - Alice Hall
Audiences' Evaluations of the Reality of Media Texts
Quality Assessment of Broadcast Programming - Sakae Ishikawa and Yasuko Muramatsu
Professional Models in Journalism - Morris Janowitz
The Gatekeeper and the Advocate
News as Purposive Behavior - Harvey L Molotch and Marilyn J Lester
From the Persian Gulf to Kosovo - Stig A Norstedt et al
War Journalism and Propaganda
News as a Form of Knowledge - Robert E Park
Political Roles of the Journalist - Thomas E Patterson
The Ideal Romance - Janice Radway
The Roots of a Sociology of News Production - Stephen D Reese and Jane Ballinger
Remembering Mr Gates and Social Control in the Newsroom
The Product Image - John Ryan and Richard A Peterson
The Fate of Creativity in Country Music Song-Writing
Prime-Time Television - Stacy L Smith, Amy I Nathanson and Barbara J Wilson
Assessing Violence during the Most Popular Viewing Hours
Making News by Doing Work - Gaye Tuchman
Routinizing the Unexpected
A Theory of Evaluative Discourse - Jan J Van Cuilenburg, Jan Kleinnijenhuis and Jan de Ridder
Towards a Graph Theory of Journalistic Texts
Discourse Analysis - Teun Van Dijk
Its Development and Application to the Structure of News
Objective News Reporting - Jurgen Westerstahl

I Am Ashamed to Admit It But I Have Watched /f003Dallas - Pertti Alasuutari
The Moral Hierarchy of Television Programmes
The Third Person Effect - W Phillips Davison
The British, Canadian and US Pornography Commissions and Their Use of Social Research - Edna F Einsiedel
Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power - William Gamson and Andre Modigliani
The Political Correlates of TV Viewing - George Gerbner et al
Seeing Is Remembering - Doris A Graber
How Visuals Contribute to TV News
Diffusion of News of the Kennedy Assassination - Bradley S Greenberg
Practising Embodiment - Joke Hermes
Reality, Respect and Issues of Gender in Media Reception
News Coverage of the Gulf War and Public Opinion - Shanto Iyengar and Adam Simon
A Study of Agenda-Setting, Priming and Framing
Five Traditions in Search of the Audience - Klaus B Jensen and Karl Erik Rosengren
Patterns of Involvement in Television Fiction - Tamara Liebes and Elihu Katz
A Comparative Analysis
Interpretative Viewers and Structured Programs - Sonia L Livingstone
The Implicit Representation of Soap Opera Characters
The Social Uses of Television - James Lull
The Agenda-Setting Function of the Press - Maxwell E McCombs and Donald L Shaw
The Future of the Mass Audience - W Russell Neumann
The Theory of Public Opinion - Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
The Concept of the Spiral of Silence
Marketing Communication and the Hierarchy of Effects - Michael L Ray
Communication and Development - Everett M Rogers
The Passing of the Dominant Paradigm
Ritualized and Instrumental Television Viewing - Alan M Rubin
A Theory of TV Program Choice - James G Webster and Jacob J Wakshlag
From the Boob Tube to the Black Box - W Gill Woodall, Dennis K Davis and Haluk Sahin
TV News Comprehension from an Information Processing Perspective

9781412922418 1412922410

Mass media.

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