Identity development: adolescence through adulthood/

Kroger, Jane

Identity development: adolescence through adulthood/ Jane Kroger - 2nd ed. - Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2007. - 305 p.

Chapter 1. Perspectives on Identity
Origins of Identity: Erik Erikson
Tripartite Nature of Ego Identity
Identity in Life Span Perspective
The Identity Eormation Process
Additional Identity Concepts
Contemporary Approaches to Identity: An Overview
Identity in Historical Terms
Structural Stage Approaches to Identity
Sociocultural Approaches to Identity
Narrative Approaches to Identity
Psychosocial Approaches to Identity
Key Similarities and Differences Across Identity Models
Back to the Beginning
Chapter 2. Identity in Early Adolescence
Intersection of Biological, Psychological, and Societal
Influences on Identity in Early Adolescence: An Overview
Biological Processes
Psychological Issues
Societal Influences
Section Summary and Implications
Coming to Terms With Pubertal Change: Identity Implications
Timing of Pubertal Change: Identity Implications
Identity and Sexuality
Contexts Affecting Early Adolescent Identity Development
The Family
Friendships and the Peer Group
Broader Community Contexts
Section Summary and Implications
Back to the Beginning
Answers to Chapter Questions
Chapter 3. Identity in Mid-Adolescence
Intersection of Biological, Psychological, and Societal
Influences on Identity in Mid-Adolescence: An Overview
Biological Processes
Psychological Issues
Societal Influences
Section Summary and Implications
Identity and Sexuality
Identity and Vocation
Identity and Meaningful Values
Contexts Affecting Mid-Adolescent Identity Development
The Family
Friendships and the Peer Group
The School
The Community
Section Summary and Implications
Back to the Beginning
Answers to Chapter Questions
Chapter 4, Identity in Late Adolescence
Intersection of Biological, Psychological, and Societal
Influences on Identity in Late Adolescence: An Overview
Biological Processes
Psychological Issues
Societal Influences
Section Summary and Implications
The Second Separation-Individuation Process
and Identity Formation
The Beginnings of Intimacy
Section Summary and Implications
Actualizing Vocational Directions
Identity, Meaningful Values, and Personality 103
Contexts Affecting Late Adolescent Identity Development 106
The Family 107
The Peer Group 108
Educational and Work Settings 109
Section Summary and Implications 111
Back to the Beginning 112
Answers to Chapter Questions 112
Chapter 5. Selected Identity Issues of Adolescence 115
Identity and Adoption 117
Section Summary and Implications 121
Identity and Unemployment 121
Section Summary and Implications 125
Identity and Ethnicity 126
Section Summary and Implications 130
Identity and Residential Relocation 130
Section Summary and Implications 135
Back to the Beginning 136
Answers to Chapter Questions 136
Part III. Adulthood 137
Chapter 6. Identity in Early Adulthood 139
Intersection of Biological, Psychological, and Societal
Influences on Identity in Early Adulthood: An Overview 140
Biological Processes 142
Psychological Issues 143
Societal Influences 146
Section Summary and Implications 148
The Course of Identity in Early Adulthood 148
The Contents of Identity in Early Adulthood 151
Identity and Intimacy in Early Adulthood 154
Identity and Generativity in Early Adulthood 156
Contexts Affecting Early Adult Identity Development 157
The Family/Social Network 158
The World of Work 159
The Broader Community 160
Section Summary and Implications 162
Back to the Beginning 162
Answers to Chapter Questions 162
Chapter 7. Identity in Middle Adulthood
Intersection of Biological, Psychological, and Societal
Influences on Identity in Middle Adulthood: An Overview
Biological Processes
Psychological Issues
Societal Influences
Section Summary and Implications
The Course of Identity in Middle Adulthood
The Contents of Identity in Middle Adulthood
Identity and Generativity in Middle Adulthood
Contexts Affecting Identity Development
During Middle Adulthood
The Family/Social Network
The World of Work
The Broader Community
Section Summary and Implications
Back to the Beginning
Answers to Chapter Questions
Chapter 8. Identity in Late Adulthood , c ■ \
Intersection of Biological, Psychological, and Societd
Influences on Identity in Late Adulthood: An Overview
Biological Processes
Psychological Issues
Societal Influences
Section Summary and Implications
The Course of Identity in Late Adulthood
The Contents of Identity in Late Adulthood
Identity and Integrity in Late Adulthood
Contexts Affecting Identity in Late Adulthood
The Family/Social Network
The Broader Community
Section Summary and Implications
Back to the Beginning
Answers to Chapter Questions
Chapter 9. Selected Identity Issues of Adulthood
Identity and Loss of an Intimate Relationship
Section Summary and Implications
Identity and Infertility
Section Summary and Implications
Identity and Threats to Physical Integrity
Section Summary and Implications
Identity and Coming to Terms With Death
Section Summary and Implications
Back to the Beginning

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